
Erdemir Completed the 50,000th Casting in Türkiye's First Domestic Blast Furnace
Erdemir’in 1 No’lu yüksek fırını Ayşe,4 Ağustos 2023 tarihinde 50 bininci dökümünü gerçekleştirdi.
28 August 2023

General Skill and Technical Knowledge Exams Completed in The Erdemir’s Recruitment Process
Erdemir, işletme ünitelerinde görevlendirilecek saat ücretli çalışanları istihdam etmek için başlattığı başvuru sürecini tamamladı. İşe alım sürecinde 10 binin üzerinde başvuru gerçekleşti.
6 June 2023

A Traditional Children's Theater Festival by OYAK Mining Metallurgy Companies
The traditional children's theater by OYAK Mining Metallurgy Companies brought together children between the ages of 5 and 12 with art. The musical children's play 'Burnunu Kaybeden Palyaço’ (The Clown Who Lost His Nose) was held in 3 locations: Ermaden, Erdemir and İsdemir. More than 3 thousand 500 children attended to the events.
25 May 2023

Erdemir Will Recruit Hourly Paid Workers
Erdemir will mass recruit hourly paid workers also in 2023 in line with its growth strategy and the needs of its businesses. Candidates will be able to make their applications at the Erdemir Sports Hall every weekday for two weeks starting on Tuesday, April 25.
24 April 2023

Erdemir Commissions its New Steam Boiler That Will Save Energy
Erdemir has commissioned its sixth steam boiler, which enables by-product gases such as blast furnace, steel plant and coke gas to be brought into production effectively and contributes to additional steam and electricity production.
12 April 2023

Investment by Erdemir to Increase Energy Efficiency
Erdemir accelerated its efforts to increase its energy efficiency and production capacity. In this context, starting the field works for the new coke battery, Erdemir plans to commission its fourth battery with high technological features at the end of 2023.
11 January 2023
Pelleting Facility by Erdemir to Bingöl With an İnvestment of 550 Million Dollars
Erdemir will ensure that the majority of its pellet needs are met from domestic sources. The facility will be established at the mine site of the group company Ermaden in Bingöl-Avnik.
9 January 2023

Erdemir's 29th Term Collective Bargaining negotiations concluded with an agreement
Collective bargaining negotiations in Erdemir, Türkiye's first and largest flat steel producer, were concluded with an agreement. Erdemir's 29th Term Collective Bargaining Agreement was signed in Ankara on January 6, 2023.
9 January 2023